Category Archives: Transforamtionbal projects

How Authentic Texts Lead to Engaged, Socially-Aware Students

We are in a season of educational change with teachers required to move  into unchartered waters with the new curriculum focus. The Common Core emphasizes reading informational texts, which for many English teachers is a departure, a powerful change, from the curriculum we … Continue reading

Posted in character development, Child soldiers and global conflicts., Child soldiers in the Middle East, classroom lessons that change the world, classroom projects that change children, Creating a project on child soldiers, Creating empathy in students., How do I create projects that will have meaning/, How do I teach global conflict?, Injustice in the world and how children are involved., Project-based learning about current issues., Teaching studnets to care beyond themselves, Transforamtionbal projects | 2 Comments

Transformational Service

Pattie Sloan and Joan Flora:  two teachers challenging the status quo There is a  cock-eyed, optimistic belief we hold that, within each student, is the desire and ability to take a step of faith, do something dangerous and make a change in their … Continue reading

Posted in character development, Character education, classroom lessons that change the world, classroom projects that change children, Eden Reforestation in Madagascar-changing Africa, environmnetal change through reforestation, hope for Haiti through reforestation, Pattie and Gary in Madagascar, Social Action, Teaching studnets to care beyond themselves, The devistation of Haiti, The environmnet can be healed by students, The rebilding of Haiti, The teacher's optimism, Transforamtionbal projects, transformational service projects, Uncategorized, What can be done to help Haiti?, What students mistakenly call service | Leave a comment